What I Learned this Winter {2018}

It’s time for my seasonal “What I Learned” update, as I tag along with author Emily P. Freeman.
I tried something a little different this time, writing up my thoughts on Instagram first, so don’t mind all the emoji’s. I’m having too much fun with them lately.

God knows our desires 🙏🏻

These last few years as we’ve struggled to conceive, I’m learning that though I have a desire to grow a family, God’s showing me all the ways family is possible. As much as I desire to give birth physically—I realize that this winter I did give birth in a way: to a story & my creativity & to a desire I’ve long held captive.
God knows what’s deep in our hearts & when the time is right for them. I dream of reading stories to my little ones someday, but for this season, I’m seeing how the birth of a story is the birth of new life in my dry bones.

Making decisions is getting easier 🤷🏼‍♀️

Boy do I struggle with decisions. I overthink. I let my anxiety get the best of me. I ponder & ponder until nothing makes sense. And then I break down no closer to a decision. But as I’ve mentioned a few times, The Next Right Thing podcast has been such an encouragement lately as I continue pondering my vocation & the places God is leading us. Emily has practical & faith-filled words that give my soul a moment to breath. Plus, I really love her prayers at the end.

It’s ok to quit something you love 🙌🏻

Last month, I felt a tug to just step back from teaching yoga on the regular. Don’t mishear me–I’m still teaching, just not weekly. I love coming to my mat, but I’m beginning to realize that I’m spreading myself too thin and need to step back from things. In this season, it’s teaching yoga. You can read more about it here on this insta-post.

Scheduling space for soul dates matters👩🏼‍💻

These last few months I’ve sat down with my calendar & literally planned out date nights & soul meetings before the month starts.
Dates with myself to go write. Dates with my writing partners via Hangouts. Dates with the hubs when we can just do something we love together.
It’s really helped me prioritize as well as say no to things that aren’t life-giving in this season.

Bitmojis are amazing 🧑🏼

They make texting twice as fun, and are just giving me a good smile in this season.

Logging off helps me breathe 🤳🏻

I’ve been trying for social media free weekends this year, & though I don’t always log off 💯%, stepping back from social media on the weekends helps me to recognize just how I’m spending my time while being more present to life.

Dance parties make me come alive 💃🏼

Especially when they are to The Greatest Showman soundtrack. Still obsessed.

I ❤️ collagen in my coffee ☕️

That froth though! 😍 Plus, I’m in the process of working on healing my gut, and it’s a simple step that doesn’t seem too overwhelming these days.


For more visit @emilypfreeman  and the rest of the#wwlcommunity

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